Sunday, December 8, 2013


We know that the Creator is always communicating with us (sometimes through us). The Creator does not wait for a time that is ideal for us to receive the message. It is for us to be open and receptive at all times (as best we can). Today, as I am eating dinner and watching "Lord of the Rings/The Return of the King," I sensed a call coming forth.

I heard, "honor the call." Then clarity came forth through the movie. "We each will get a call; the call to our journey. We answer the call, Yes; sometimes with nothing more than the call. We honor the call my taking the first step on the journey, and then we continue the journey. It is more than just answering the call, we must follow the guidance of the call and honor the call.

When I sat quietly in the garden, I received, "follow your heart."

Rev Anthony ~ Rev. Bear

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Be a Testimony of Your Belief

It is a beautiful thing that we can live together and have different beliefs.  Being human does not require that we all believe the same thing, or the same way.  Being human does require that we respect ourselves and each other, and our right to believe.  You must believe in what you say you believe.  Your belief is your belief.  You do not have to prove someone else’s belief is wrong, for yours to be right.  You have yours and they have theirs.  Nor do you need to defend your beliefs to anyone, especially yourself.  There is a distinction between sharing your testimony and defending your beliefs.  Defending your beliefs requires a conversation with another, or with yourself.  Defending your beliefs requires opening your mouth and sharing your words.  Sharing your testimony of your beliefs requires opening your heart and being.  The most profound way to share your testimony is to be a demonstration of what you believe. 

Rev. Anthony Farmer 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sharing through the Heart:

There are mornings when we awakened to a world that seems foreign to the essence of our being; it makes no sense.  With each breath, we try to identify and align with the vibrations that are irritating to our core.  No matter how hard we try to synchronize our rhythm to the rhythm of the world, the music soothes not the savage beast.

When you find yourself in one of these moments, the most loving thing to do is to stop trying to join the band.  Go within and listen to your own rhythm.  Align yourself to your inner rhythm; and, allow the music to play from your heart out into your world.  May your inner rhythm be your guide and your company.

Excuse me as I go inside to align with the rhythm and music of my heart.

Rev. Anthony

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Guiding Light
September 4, 2013

The other day I walked across the field, reminiscing about my fire ball experience.  Several years ago, I was in the hospital.  One night, I was trying to get some hospital sleep, which is not sound sleep because someone is checking and prodding and poking every two hours.   Around 2 o’clock in the morning I found myself in that not-fully-awake-and-not fully-sleep state.  In this state, I saw the vision of a fireball traveling through space.  It seemed that once I noticed the fireball, it changed direction.  It was heading for me. 

I watched that fireball accelerate as it hurried to its destination: me.  The fireball entered the hospital, my room, and finally into my abdomen.  My eyes fully opened as I said, “Something just happened.”  I went back into my hospital sleep.

I was curious as to the timing of this recollection.  So I decided to journey to the Elders.  I wanted to ask the question in their presence.

I arrived at the Elders’ cabin in the middle of the night.  The sky was unusual because there was no moon or stars, and there was no cloud cover.  Even though it was dark, and there was no light in the sky, I could see where I was going.

There was one small light coming from the Elders’ cabin—most likely a single candle.  The light from a single candle burning from within the home of the Elders was my guidance through this dark night.  I followed my guiding light.

As I reached the front door of the cabin, I stopped.  I sensed a reverence in the air; I could feel it, and sense it.   I knew it.  Before opening the door, I closed my eyes, took a breath and said, “Thank you.”  It was the proper thing to do.

I opened the door and entered the cabin.  Immediately, I located the single candle, my guiding light.  The flame on top of the candle was my guiding light.  The candle was a twelve inch white candle in a six inch plain wooden candle holder.  She, the guiding light, was a very bright yellow and white flame.  I watched as she danced above the top of the candle.  To the unopened eye, it was a flame on a white candle in a wooden holder.  To the opened heart, it was a guiding light.

I knew I was to sit on the sofa in front of my guiding light, and wait.  The Elders joined me around the guiding light: the Elder of Earth, the Elder of Water, the Elder of Air and the Elder of Fire.  We sat together in silence and reverence.  I sat in the silence, waiting in anticipation for what was to be said. I sensed it coming.

The Elder of Air broke the silence, looked at me and said, “Are you waiting for one of us to speak?  Or, are you waiting for the guiding light?”

I returned my focus to the guiding light, and waited.  The silence grew more intense.  There was no sound, no vibration and no thing.  Then, I sensed a gentle shift in the energy of the room; I felt it across my face. 

In between my breaths, she spoke, “Keeper of the Flame, the Sacred Fire of Creation.  You seek the knowing of the fire that burns within.  Seek not the flame; however, be the fire.  There is a secret chamber within the core of your heart; it is opening.  Seek not to name it or understand it.  Seek only to be it.  The sacred light and fire did not travel the outer cosmos to you; it traveled your inner cosmos to your awareness.  Remember the sacred fire never goes out.  It travels from one plane of consciousness to another, appearing when called and needed.  It now is needed, and has been called.”

She spoke no more.  We returned to the sacred silence, and listened.  I focused on the guiding light, as I waited on whatever else she had to share.

The Elder of Air shared, “Young-old man, oh sorry—Grandfather.  There is nothing more to learn.  You have it, and you are ready.  I know you know this.  However, sometimes we need to hear it one more one time.”

He continued, “Keep listening.  It is your gift, among others.”

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Reverend Anthony Farmer

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Have Company with the Rain
August 9, 2013

Today, I journeyed to the Elders, as suggested during my morning meditation.  I arrived in the middle of a downpour; the rains that fall straight down from the skies.  I walked through the rain to the Elders’ cabin.

The Elder of Earth walked out of the cabin just as I reached the porch.

“Let’s sit and have company with the rain,” he said.

He offered me the chair with the blue cushion.  I thought, “One day I will have to ask why they always offer me the chair with the blue cushion.  But, I will not ask until I am truly ready to hear the answer.” 

After we sat on the porch, me in the chair with the blue cushion and the Elder of Air in the chair to my right, he asked, “You wish for our help?”

I replied, “Yes.  Today, I realized that I have expectations of what my ministry is to look like.  And when it doesn’t look that way, I panic.  I question whether I am hearing Spirit correctly; and if I am trying to run things my way.  I also question whether I am subconsciously sabotaging things.”

I continued, “There seems to be a disconnection between what I see and the vision Spirit placed in my heart.  I am tired of playing this record over and over again.  So I came to you and the other Elders for guidance.”

The Elder of Earth said, “What is the vision that just flowed through your mind.”
I forgot that they know what’s going on in my consciousness, sometimes before I do.  As soon as I spoke the last word, several images appeared in my mind.

“I was reflecting on the green Luna moth I saw as I exited the subway train the other day, I responded.  “Also, I recalled the green caterpillar I saw twice.  Once it was on the carrot leaves in the garden.  The other times, it hitched a ride with someone to our drumming circle.”

The Elder of Earth, with an interesting smile on his face, asked, “What are you telling yourself of its meaning?”

Instead of blurting out the first answer, I decided to go within and listen.  I wanted to hear what my heart had to say in response to his question.  I listened as my inner guru spoke.

I shared with the Elder of Earth, “It said ‘You see change all around you; not just change, but transformation.  The universe is asking you to see the transformation that is present within you.  The change you see is green in color, green in vibration and green as in love.’”

After I shared from my heart, we all became quiet.  The other Elders joined us on the porch; the Elder of Water, the Elder of Fire and the Elder of Air.  We sat having company with the rain.

The Elder of Earth, interrupting the silence, said, “Sometimes, release of the old is as simple as exhaling.”

I received this as guidance for me.  I intuitively knew to visualize a ball of energy with the words “old stuff” appearing inside the ball.  The old stuff included my expectations of my ministry.  Then, I visualized sending the ball of old stuff into the rain.  I watched the rain guide the ball to the earth.  The earth would transform the ball from old stuff to pure energy.

Once the ball of old stuff disappeared into the earth, another ball emerged from within the rain.  That ball had the words “new blessings” appearing inside the ball.  The ball of new blessings was guided to me.  I knew to breathe in deeply and receive the ball of blessings.

The Elder of Earth said, “The rains from Spirit bring many blessings for you.  Breathe in, receive, and allow.  Sometimes, most times, it is as simple as that.”

The five of us sat on the porch of the Elders’ cabin, having company with the rain.  I listened to the thoughts the flowed into my mind, “The sun is present, in clear skies and cloudy skies.  Water has its own knowing, and tries not to know outside of itself.  The Elders are here whenever I am in need.  It is hard to see the big picture when you are blinded by the minutia of the details.  Listening with your heart requires courage and trust.”

These were some of the insights I received while sitting with the Elders having company with the rain.

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Reverend Anthony Farmer

Friday, August 9, 2013

love and light to you this morning

"I surrender" is not a statement of defeat or giving up. 

"I surrender" is a declaration of giving in to the guiding Light within; a bold step of allowing your Heart-self, God-self, Divine-self, Light-self to lead you into your greatest good. Before you "surrender" you must "believe" in your Heart-self, God-self, Divine-self.

Then the magic of life will unfold with and through you.

Rev. Anthony Farmer
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Visitor

The Visitor
Rev. Anthony Farmer

Self-care and self-nurturing is very important.  I know this mental; and I am practicing this through my actions.  My next lesson is learning to be more consistent in my self-love.  I sent an intention to visit the Franciscan Monastery on Mondays; not every Monday but as often as possible.  The Franciscan Monastery is the external presentation of my internal heart space.  Today, I was called to visit my heart space; so I decided to visit the gardens at the monastery.

The call of Brother Red Shouldered Hawk generally greets me upon arrival at the monastery.  However, today he was nowhere to be heard.  Today I was greeted by a new old friend, Brother Catbird.  He has flown near me several times before Sunday’s church service.  I sensed he flies close enough for me to notice him.  I know Brother Catbird has a song and message for me. 

Once you enter the grounds of the monastery, you have to go pass through a gate to reach the Valley of Shrines.  As I reach the gate, I was welcomed by a gentle cool breeze.  I walked through the gate and down the path to the valley.  Today, I choose to rest on the bench nearest the Three Wise Men.  These three trees are located in a center section of the valley. 

I sit and close my eyes.  I rest in the peace, as I am serenaded by the songs of Brother Catbird, Sister Robin and Brother Cardinal.  There are other songs, but I don’t recognize the crooners.  Also, Brother Flicker flies down to the valley.  He perches on the side of the Wise Man Two, which is the one who brings the wisdom of song.  Brother Flicker is positioned such that I can see him.  I take this to mean he too has song for me, and that I am to listen to the songs.  Today, the guidance is for me to listen to the message in the songs.  Earlier this morning, I was told, while in meditation, “your guidance will come to you during the day.”

I continued listening in the sacred silence of the valley, my heart space.  I listened.  Sitting on the bench I listened. 

A visitor came to me at the bench.  He reminded me that my ministry was on track, and that there is no map or blue print to follow.  Whereas Brother Catbird is clothed in grey, and Sister Robin wears her red-orange breast, and Brother Cardinal is donned in all red, the visitor wears a white robe and is in sandals. 

He takes a seat on the bench, and joins me in listening to the sounds of nature.   He reminds me to rest for today, for today will expand into tomorrow bringing with it, yesterday.  He reminds me to rest my mind when I can; the knowledge received today, nurtured, will become the wisdom of tomorrow.  He reminds me that the wisdom of the heart is golden, and is brighter than the brightest light the eyes can see.  He shared that I know my ministry, and that it is for me to wear.  It is for no one else to wear. 

He said, “Remember we took you to the sacred desert to see the rebirth of the holy city.”

I listen, no longer with ears of overwhelm or disbelief.  I listen with honor and reverence.

He shared, “It is foretold in the prophecy.  And it is time.  Rest and renew.  It is all true.  He watches you from a far.  She blesses you, near.”

The visitor leaves with a gentle cool breeze.  I listen.

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 11, 2013

With open heart, I am sorry

* I received this on my way to the train the other day.  I share this with you.*

I stand before you with heart, eyes and hands open wide.  As I look into your eyes, I look into your heart; and I pray:

To the nine year old girl, who was touched by her uncle or another, and no one believed her or protected her,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the eleven year old boy, who was touched by his uncle or another, and no one believed him or protected him,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the thirteen year old girl, who never knew love, never felt love or loved, and never heard love, and who gave her love to the one who lied about loving her,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the three year old boy who cried because that is what little boys do when they are hurt, but was told “big boys don’t cry”,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the seventeen year old girl who tried everything to be seen, because she believed that if they would see her they would love her, but no one did,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the mother and father who sacrificed their dreams so that the children would have food, a bed and clothes, a dream and a chance, but forgot that their own dreams deserved nourishment too,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the one who’s body is battling and dancing with an imbalance that appears as disease, and who serenades themselves to sleep with the song “God I loved you, why is this happening to me, what did I do wrong?”,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the one who is trying everything they know how to find their way to familiar waters of their heart, and to peace, truth and love, but are exhausted from running into roadblocks, dark alleys and brick walls, because their direction was stolen,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the one who looks in the mirror every day and several times a day hoping to find beautiful, handsome or good-looking but sees not because their beautiful, handsome or good-looking was denied long before they were born,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the one who rises every day in routine praise of a God that was taught to them or beat into them, rather than the God of their spirit and heart,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the one who has yet to find the voice of their song, the rhythm of their heart or the words of their story because they were told “No you have none!”,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.
To the author of this prayer who was called to speak the pain of his heart, and the hurt of the hearts of humanity,
            I am sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.

 Rev. Anthony Farmer

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved