Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Have Company with the Rain
August 9, 2013

Today, I journeyed to the Elders, as suggested during my morning meditation.  I arrived in the middle of a downpour; the rains that fall straight down from the skies.  I walked through the rain to the Elders’ cabin.

The Elder of Earth walked out of the cabin just as I reached the porch.

“Let’s sit and have company with the rain,” he said.

He offered me the chair with the blue cushion.  I thought, “One day I will have to ask why they always offer me the chair with the blue cushion.  But, I will not ask until I am truly ready to hear the answer.” 

After we sat on the porch, me in the chair with the blue cushion and the Elder of Air in the chair to my right, he asked, “You wish for our help?”

I replied, “Yes.  Today, I realized that I have expectations of what my ministry is to look like.  And when it doesn’t look that way, I panic.  I question whether I am hearing Spirit correctly; and if I am trying to run things my way.  I also question whether I am subconsciously sabotaging things.”

I continued, “There seems to be a disconnection between what I see and the vision Spirit placed in my heart.  I am tired of playing this record over and over again.  So I came to you and the other Elders for guidance.”

The Elder of Earth said, “What is the vision that just flowed through your mind.”
I forgot that they know what’s going on in my consciousness, sometimes before I do.  As soon as I spoke the last word, several images appeared in my mind.

“I was reflecting on the green Luna moth I saw as I exited the subway train the other day, I responded.  “Also, I recalled the green caterpillar I saw twice.  Once it was on the carrot leaves in the garden.  The other times, it hitched a ride with someone to our drumming circle.”

The Elder of Earth, with an interesting smile on his face, asked, “What are you telling yourself of its meaning?”

Instead of blurting out the first answer, I decided to go within and listen.  I wanted to hear what my heart had to say in response to his question.  I listened as my inner guru spoke.

I shared with the Elder of Earth, “It said ‘You see change all around you; not just change, but transformation.  The universe is asking you to see the transformation that is present within you.  The change you see is green in color, green in vibration and green as in love.’”

After I shared from my heart, we all became quiet.  The other Elders joined us on the porch; the Elder of Water, the Elder of Fire and the Elder of Air.  We sat having company with the rain.

The Elder of Earth, interrupting the silence, said, “Sometimes, release of the old is as simple as exhaling.”

I received this as guidance for me.  I intuitively knew to visualize a ball of energy with the words “old stuff” appearing inside the ball.  The old stuff included my expectations of my ministry.  Then, I visualized sending the ball of old stuff into the rain.  I watched the rain guide the ball to the earth.  The earth would transform the ball from old stuff to pure energy.

Once the ball of old stuff disappeared into the earth, another ball emerged from within the rain.  That ball had the words “new blessings” appearing inside the ball.  The ball of new blessings was guided to me.  I knew to breathe in deeply and receive the ball of blessings.

The Elder of Earth said, “The rains from Spirit bring many blessings for you.  Breathe in, receive, and allow.  Sometimes, most times, it is as simple as that.”

The five of us sat on the porch of the Elders’ cabin, having company with the rain.  I listened to the thoughts the flowed into my mind, “The sun is present, in clear skies and cloudy skies.  Water has its own knowing, and tries not to know outside of itself.  The Elders are here whenever I am in need.  It is hard to see the big picture when you are blinded by the minutia of the details.  Listening with your heart requires courage and trust.”

These were some of the insights I received while sitting with the Elders having company with the rain.

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

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