Friday, September 6, 2013

The Guiding Light
September 4, 2013

The other day I walked across the field, reminiscing about my fire ball experience.  Several years ago, I was in the hospital.  One night, I was trying to get some hospital sleep, which is not sound sleep because someone is checking and prodding and poking every two hours.   Around 2 o’clock in the morning I found myself in that not-fully-awake-and-not fully-sleep state.  In this state, I saw the vision of a fireball traveling through space.  It seemed that once I noticed the fireball, it changed direction.  It was heading for me. 

I watched that fireball accelerate as it hurried to its destination: me.  The fireball entered the hospital, my room, and finally into my abdomen.  My eyes fully opened as I said, “Something just happened.”  I went back into my hospital sleep.

I was curious as to the timing of this recollection.  So I decided to journey to the Elders.  I wanted to ask the question in their presence.

I arrived at the Elders’ cabin in the middle of the night.  The sky was unusual because there was no moon or stars, and there was no cloud cover.  Even though it was dark, and there was no light in the sky, I could see where I was going.

There was one small light coming from the Elders’ cabin—most likely a single candle.  The light from a single candle burning from within the home of the Elders was my guidance through this dark night.  I followed my guiding light.

As I reached the front door of the cabin, I stopped.  I sensed a reverence in the air; I could feel it, and sense it.   I knew it.  Before opening the door, I closed my eyes, took a breath and said, “Thank you.”  It was the proper thing to do.

I opened the door and entered the cabin.  Immediately, I located the single candle, my guiding light.  The flame on top of the candle was my guiding light.  The candle was a twelve inch white candle in a six inch plain wooden candle holder.  She, the guiding light, was a very bright yellow and white flame.  I watched as she danced above the top of the candle.  To the unopened eye, it was a flame on a white candle in a wooden holder.  To the opened heart, it was a guiding light.

I knew I was to sit on the sofa in front of my guiding light, and wait.  The Elders joined me around the guiding light: the Elder of Earth, the Elder of Water, the Elder of Air and the Elder of Fire.  We sat together in silence and reverence.  I sat in the silence, waiting in anticipation for what was to be said. I sensed it coming.

The Elder of Air broke the silence, looked at me and said, “Are you waiting for one of us to speak?  Or, are you waiting for the guiding light?”

I returned my focus to the guiding light, and waited.  The silence grew more intense.  There was no sound, no vibration and no thing.  Then, I sensed a gentle shift in the energy of the room; I felt it across my face. 

In between my breaths, she spoke, “Keeper of the Flame, the Sacred Fire of Creation.  You seek the knowing of the fire that burns within.  Seek not the flame; however, be the fire.  There is a secret chamber within the core of your heart; it is opening.  Seek not to name it or understand it.  Seek only to be it.  The sacred light and fire did not travel the outer cosmos to you; it traveled your inner cosmos to your awareness.  Remember the sacred fire never goes out.  It travels from one plane of consciousness to another, appearing when called and needed.  It now is needed, and has been called.”

She spoke no more.  We returned to the sacred silence, and listened.  I focused on the guiding light, as I waited on whatever else she had to share.

The Elder of Air shared, “Young-old man, oh sorry—Grandfather.  There is nothing more to learn.  You have it, and you are ready.  I know you know this.  However, sometimes we need to hear it one more one time.”

He continued, “Keep listening.  It is your gift, among others.”

Copyright © 2013 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Reverend Anthony Farmer

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