Sunday, July 24, 2011

Conversations with the Elders ~ The Wind and New Wings

Conversations with the Elders
The Wind and New Wings
July 25, 2011

I arrive at the Elders’ cabin on a day unlike any previous visit, at least that I can remember.  Today, it is very windy.  The winds are not hurricane winds, nor are they gale force winds; they are winds.  I make a mental note of it being windy.  Everything at the Elders’ cabin is significant, especially if I notice it.

I stand at the edge of the road facing the cabin.  I am sensing whether to go in through the front door, go around to the back door, or possible the side entrance into the lower level.  I decide to stand and wait for a signal, while holding on to my cap.  It is windy today.

After a moment or two, I see the front door opening.  The Elder of Fire walks out and waves to me.  It’s the signal I was waiting for before taking any action.  I wave back and walk to the cabin. 

As I reach the porch, the Elder of Fire says, “I waved you in before the wind took you down the road.  I know you are still learning how to use those new wings.” 

I respond to her, “It is rather windy today.”  And I respond in my head, “New wings, she is talking in code again.  Let’s make that item number two on my mental note.”

Just in that very moment, the Elder of Fire smiles.  I know it means she heard what I was thinking.  They have that gift.

I follow as she walks to the table where the other Elders are sitting, waiting.  I see something different at the table, well actually on the table.  It is a round shallow dish two inches deep and maybe eighteen inches in diameter.  The dish is cobalt blue in color, and is filled with water.  The most notable thing of this dish on the table is that it sits in front of my chair.  I add this as item three on my mental note.   In the very moment of my mental noting, the Elders all smile.  They are reading my mind.  They have that gift.

I sit down and wait for a signal before doing anything.  The Elder of Water raises her hand, which has a feather in it.  She waves the feather gently over the shallow dish, just above the surface of the water.  Then she looks at me.  From her eyes, I receive my guidance.

I lean over the bowl and look down into the water.  At first, I see the bottom of the cobalt blue dish.  Very slowly, the blue of the bottom of the dish becomes the blue of a sky.  There are a few white clouds.  I watch as the scene continues unfolding.  I see something coming into focus, something trying to fly as it is being tossed around by the wind.  As the scene continues, I now see that the awkward something is my trying to maneuver with the wings on my back.  The wind is blowing me around, as if it is playing with me, testing me.  But I wonder if it is also helping me. 

I continue flapping and twisting and flapping and spinning and flapping and jerking.  I focus on my face and I notice something with my eyes.  A look of confusion, discomfort and doubt, is now becoming a look of certainty, confidence and clarity.  I begin to beat my wings with authority, purpose and a knowing.  I watch as I fly out and up.  I see myself riding the winds rather than fight them.  I see a smile on my face. 

The scene changes; the blue of the sky is now the cobalt blue of the dish.  The smile on my face now is the smile of my reflection.  I am smiling.  I look up from the dish to see the Elders smiling as well.  They are reading my mind and heart.  They have that gift.

The Elder of Wind speaks first, “With something new, you must give yourself time to get adjust, to get accustom and almost relearn.  But keep going, or in this case keep flapping those wings until it happens.  If you are given wings, you are meant to fly.  The question is not if, but when.  And you now know that the time is now.”

The Elder of Earth continues, “You know that saying about to whom much is given.  Well the truth is, it just seems like much until you stop fighting it.  Then you realize it is just you, and who you are.”

On that note I decide to delete my mental note.  What was a note; is now a knowing.  The Elders all smile.  Again, they know what I am thinking.  They have that gift.

Copyright © 2011 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved
Conversations with the Elders is a weekly “e-newsletter" that shares my experiences and conversations with the Elders, as I call them.  We meet on the front porch of a log cabin high in the mountains.  They share their wisdoms, life experiences, perspectives, stories, and love.  I listen, learn and share.
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"...listening to our elders is one of the most important things we can do. I've learned a lot and have had good teachers. You always learn a lot from your elders - its important to sit and listen to them."
 Herman “TJ” Laffoon

Reverend Anthony Farmer

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