Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Battle's Brewing in the Not Too Distant Present

A Battle’s Brewing in the Not Too Distant Present

Sometimes, I call it a storm.  Other times it feels like a war.  And at other times it swirls and twirls like a dance.  Whatever I call it, it is coming.  This battle is upon us. 

It is not a battle between the haves and have-nots, or a battle between men and women.  It is not a battle between Christian and Muslim fundamentalists.  It is not a battle between the Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, or the tax-and-spend camp and the cut-and-spend camp.  It is not a battle between those holding steadfast to an entrenched religious dogma, and those who embrace an expansive and organic understanding of said philosophies.  It is not a battle between those who believe in equal rights and human rights for all, and those who believe such rights are for those who can afford them.

It is not a battle between those who preach that everyone should pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and those who want to ensure that everyone at least has boots.  It is not a battle between those who believe punishment is for those who break laws, and those who believe punishment is for those who get caught breaking laws.  It is not a battle between those who believe in living in harmony with the natural world and those who believe the natural world is here for their consumption as they dictate. 
It is not a battle between openhearted, closed-minded people and closed-hearted, open-minded people.  It is not a battle of ideology, political perspectives, personal interests, religious beliefs, cultural aspirations or economic opportunities.  It is not even a battle between good and evil.

The upcoming battle, war, storm or dance is between love and light, and fear and the fruits of fear.  On one side is love and light.  Love being the ultimate vibration of universal energy, the essence of all that is; as above so below, as within so without.  Light is that universal energy and is the consort of love.  Light is the channel by which love flows, and love is the breath of light.  

On the other side of the battle are fear and its offspring: hatred, bitterness, despair, separation, hopelessness, and anything and all things that keep us from love and light.

We are at the threshold, about to enter into the ultimate battle for the souls of humanity.  Some may argue that this battle has not just begun, but is a continuation of the war for man’s heart and soul sense man’s inception on this world.  We may be entering in the last battle of this great war, before a victor is declared.

With this battle at the doorsteps of the hearts of humanity, we have choice.  If we believe the battle is forthcoming, we can choose our side.  Do we choose the side of love and light or the side of fear and its children?  Understand that our choice is not based on our old political views, family understandings, or cultural and societal norms.  Our choice is based simply on what kind of world do we want for ourselves, and those who will come behind us.  Our choice is based on our desire for something different then what currently is.  Our choice is rooted in the knowing that the side we select now sets in motion events of our lives, our individual life and our human collective life.  Our choice must emerge from the cosmic knowing, but forgotten truth, that love and light are the highest vibration of the divine, and it is within each of us.

If we believe that we are not in the beginning but in the middle of an ongoing drama, possibly ready to engage in the last stand for the hearts and souls of humanity, we now have the opportunity to see which side we have already chosen.  We have already made a choice, either we have chosen love and light or chosen fear and its minions.  When you take a moment to look beneath the varying and often conflicting paradigms that govern your life in order to seek the basic understanding for what you do, is your life embedded in love and light, or fear and the many faces of fear.

Whether you believe we are a few breaths away from this battle, or you believe that we are continuing a war that has been fought since man’s first steps on this earth, or you believe it is just another spin and dip within the dance marathon of life, which side are you choosing:  love and light or fear and fear? 

It is your choice, it is your soul, it is your heart, and it is your life.  What is your choice: love and light or fear and fear.    From the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the last Knight guarding the Holy Grail said, “choose wisely.”

Copyright © 2011 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

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