Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's In Your Heart?

What’s in Your Heart?

“God knows what is in my heart.”  I cannot fathom the number of times I have heard this from folks.  I may have said it a time or two.  Generally, I have heard it during heated discussions with friends about behaviors, or with clients when talking about the nature and content of their prayers.  “God knows what is in my heart.”

Yes, God knows what is in your heart.  It is written in the Gospel of Luke 16:15, “But Jesus said to them, ‘You are the ones who make yourselves righteous before men; but God knows your hearts.  For what is highly esteemed among men is disgusting in the presence of God.’”  It is written in Psalms 44:21, “God will look into this thing. For he knows the secrets of the heart.”  It is written in Acts 15:8, “And God, who knows what is in the heart, has testified concerning them and has given them the Hold Spirit just as he did to us.”  Yes, God knows what is in your heart.  But, do you?

Do you truly know what is in your heart?  Do you want to know what is in your heart?  Do you feel that in order to know yourself and be whole, you need to know all of yourself including the secrets of your hearts? 

Dr. Howard Thurman wrote in his meditation God Knows the Heart, “Often we are reminded that the heart has secrets which it cannot share with anyone, not even with itself.  This is true because there is in each one of us lingerings of desires that have long since spent themselves in overt or direct action; there are the throbs of impulses that have not become sufficiently articulate to define themselves; there are vague reactions to experiences that are so much a part of our very substance that we cannot distinguish them from our true selves.”

Do you know of these secrets, these lingering of desires, these throbs of impulses or these vague reactions to experiences?  Yes, God knows the heart, God knows our hearts; but do we know our own hearts?
It is written that the longest journey that we can take is the journey from our head to our heart.  I believe it is the longest journey, but it is one of the most important journeys we are to travel.  To reconnect to that which is whole and complete, to that which is true and divine, and to that which is precious and sacred in life, we must take that journey from our head to our heart.

Yes, it is not an easy journey; yet we are capable.  Yes, fear and anxiety will present themselves during the journey.  They appear when we just think about the journey to know your heart.  However, there is one thing that will address the fear and anxiety.  It is the will to know your heart, the will to connect your head and heart, and the will to know thy-complete-and-whole-and-divine-self.    

And there is something else that can alleviate the fear and anxiety.  That is the Love of God, the love of the Creator, the love of the Universe, the Love of Spirit, the Love of Love that will call you, and guide and direct and nurture you on the journey from your head to your heart.  

Dr. Howard Thurman continues in his meditation, “In order for the deepest things in us to be touched and kindled, both fear and anxiety must be wiped away.  This we can do for ourselves, sometimes, but not often.  The thing that they (fear and anxiety) cannot abide is conscious exposure to the Love of God.”

Let the Love of God, the Love of Spirit, the Love of All things Whole and Holy, and the Love of Love guide you on your journey to know your hear.  Allow Love to accompany you as you learn, know and embrace yourself through the heart; and to realize who you are from the heart.  Then you can say, “Yes, God knows what is in my heart…and so do I.”

Copyright © 2011 Anthony L. Farmer All Rights Reserved

Reverend Anthony Farmer facilitates the Way of the Mystic Heart: Path of Transcendence of Wisdom, Mystery and Discovery.  The personal growth and spiritual development program is a “spiritual journey reconnection and rediscovery through your heart space.”  For information:

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