Friday, May 20, 2011

Oneness. Call it a Dream or Wishful Thinking

Oneness.  Call it a Dream or Wishful Thinking

Several days ago as I recall, I was engaged in something important.  And as I do from time to time, my mind drifted away from that “something important” to an intriguing and engaging thought:  wouldn’t it be nice to have everyone at the table to have “the” conversation?

Everyone means everyone in the world.  And the conversation is the conversation of getting to the heart of the matter, clearing and cleansing and healing from all of the cultural expressions, philosophical and political points of view, perspectives on life, morals and societal norms, religious traditions and spiritual paths, varying view of sexuality, rules and regulations and laws, and all other beliefs and behaviors that separate us from each other and from the Universe Divine. 

This conversation will be to release, clear up and clear out, let go, grieve and say thank you and goodbye to all that keeps us from truly loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Having this conversation does not mean we must abandon that which makes us unique, individual expressions of light. 

This conversation means letting our guards down, individually and collective such that we can see the light in each other, the true essence of each other and possibly see our own true self for the first time in many, many, many years.  Having this conversation does not mean we no longer embrace and honor ourselves, and all that supports our own conscious growth. 

This conversations means that we open our hearts to the possibility that just because you look, act, believe, behavior, think, talk and walk differently than I do that I am better than you or you are better than I am.  Having this conversation presents an opportunity to create a masterpiece, bringing together our best selves and heart selves and true selves and all our selves as an expression of the expanding consciousness of humanity.

This conversation means we bring the dogma, rules and regulations, and spiritual laws and religious doctrine together to see them out in the open and understand how they have been misused if not abused to keep us separate, hidden and cloaked from Truth and Love.  Having this conversation invites a sacred, open space in the Light for us to create together a new conversation about Love and Truth, and its influence on humanity and the heart of humanity and the hearts of each of us.

This conversation is an opportunity for each of us to share of our life experiences and spiritual journey, and to ask those questions that reside deep in our spirit, and to possibly realize that the essence of our journey is so much like that of the person sitting to our right, to our left and across the way.  Having this conversation, after releasing all that separates us, could be the beginning of each one of us truly seeing, feeling, knowing, experiencing and being connected to one and another.  Having this conversation will be “that thing” which allows us to really and authentically feel “oneness,” together.

You may call it a pipe dream, a misguided vision, wishful thinking, fat chance, over-active imagination, or highly improbable and totally impossible…

I call it the inspiration for my ministry.

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